Massage Therapy for Pregnancy Training
Course Content
2 & 3 Day Courses for Massage Therapists & Students of Massage Therapy

Course Objectives
The goal of this 16 – 20 hour training is to give the participants a solid theoretical and practical foundation for providing Massage Therapy for the pregnant client. The physical and emotional changes a woman experiences from preconception planning to the birth of their infant(s) are considerable. After taking this course, the Massage Therapist/student will be able to provide safe, professional, and knowledgeable care for their pregnant clients.
Classes will be composed of practical instruction, videos, discussions, guest speakers, and lectures.
The participant will learn about:
Physiological and anatomical changes occurring during each trimester of pregnancy.
Theory and practical techniques for providing Massage Therapy, and self-care strategies for pregnant women.
Developing effective treatment strategies relevant to the client’s goals, signs and symptoms, stage of pregnancy, and medical condition.
Hands-on practicum where participants can apply their learned skills directly in a clinical setting
Summary of Topics Covered
Becoming pregnant: preconception concerns
Choosing a caregiving team during pregnancy
Physical realities which may occur in each trimester and how the M.T. can facilitate increased ease related to these symptoms:
morning sickness, fatigue, breast tenderness
heartburn, varicose veins, abdominal changes
musculo-skeletal discomforts, postural changes, blood pressure issues
Hands on M.T. practice appropriate for each trimester which includes practice with positioning, draping, and technique application
Developing one’s clinical accumen:
Case History Information, medical issues, and contraindications
Adapting to the individuality of the pregnant woman and her health history
Providing safe and effective care which draws on pregnancy as a ‘normal’, healthy event in the life of the woman
Stress and emotional factors which can impact on the pregnant woman
Self-care exercises and hydrotherapy during pregnancy
Taping for the Pregnancy & Postpartum time frames
Tips to aid in Pelvic Floor Health
M.T. preparation for the birthing experience
Marketing strategies for establishing a well known Perinatal Clinical practice
Community resources & making appropriate referrals
Trimester courses are recognized for Continuing Education Units. M.T.’s in varied locations should check with their local governing body for accreditation of this course.
The R.M.T. Working with Infants and Children
This course teaches participants about the realities for parents and their infants after their birthing experience. The participant learns how massage can be taught to families to augment their parenting skills. The course teaches how M.T. can be utilized with babies & children, and families with medical/special needs. Also highlighted is the role that well trained M.T.’s can play in the paediatric M.T. context. Our goal is to underscore the important role that the Massage Therapist can play in educating & treating families with regard to the vital role that healthy, respectful & therapeutic touch impacts and improves the lives of their babies and children.
Other Courses
The R.M.T. as Birth Worker/Labour Support Provider/Doula
This training enables R.M.T.’s to enter the birthing environment with comprehensive skills in both Labour Support/Doula work and Massage Therapy. The participant will clearly understand the anatomy and physiology of labour and how comfort measures and M.T. result in excellent care for the birthing family to help promote safe, healthy, and satisfying birth experiences.
Massage Therapy Services for Clients
Cindy has been a Registered Massage Therapist since 1985. After 27 years in a thriving practice in Toronto (graduated from Sutherland-Chan in 1985), she moved to Prince Edward County where she practices in Picton. She currently accepts clients seeking M.T. for a wide range health & wellness goals. In 2021, Cindy is now in her 36th year of practice as an R.M.T.